I Hope You Have A Great Vacation In Spanish

Espero que haya disfrutado de sus vacaciones (formal) / i hope you enjoyed your holiday. If you want to say it to someone that is going on holidays "i hope you have a nice holiday" then the translation will be the one you wrote "espero que tenga unas buenas vacaciones" formal way. Calling all spanish speakers! How do you say "i hope you. · espero que haya disfrutado de sus vacaciones (formal) / i hope you enjoyed your holiday. If you want to say it to someone that is going on holidays "i hope you have a nice holiday" then the translation will be the one you wrote "espero que tenga unas buenas vacaciones". How to say "have a nice vacation" in french? English. If you were wondering how to say a word or a phrase in spanish, french, german, italian, chinese, japanese or russian, this site will help you to get the answer. Howdoyousay provides translations, pronunciation and other vocabulary help for words and phrases. I hope you had a nice holiday spanish translation linguee. We hope to see you soon and we already like to wish you a nice holiday on mallorca. Sesoliveres.Eu esperamos q ue vay amos a vernos y ya ahora d eseam os. Do you know how to say have a great vacation in spanish?. If you want to know how to say have a great vacation in spanish, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand spanish better. Here is the translation and the spanish word for have a great vacation. How to say “i hope you have a great day” in japanese quora. “I hope you have a great day” or “have a good day.” Are often used in western countries where people speak english, but i don’t know why, but we don’t use it. So when i tried to translate it into english, it was a bit difficult. Hope it helps. 8k views · view 3 upvoters. I hope you had a nice holiday spanish translation linguee. I hope that you have all had an excellent holiday and that you are ready to start work on this session.

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I hope you had a nice holiday spanish translation linguee. In spanish the best way to convey this sentiment is with the statement "that you have some good vacations" que tenga [tengas][tengan] buenas vacasiones. Find 100s of flight+hotel deals. Best prices online. Plan your trip today!

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How do you say " have a good vacation!" In spanish? Yahoo. Hope you have a good holiday wordreference. How do you say i hope you have a great vacation in spanish?. The spanish translation for i hope you had a good day is, " quetuviste un buen dia". The best way to reply in spanish would be, "y tu tambien.". How to say "have a nice vacation" in french? Englishfrench. Great alternative if you are on the go, take it with you, drink it chilled or warm it up for a great holiday treat. Goya buenísima alternativa para cuando estás d e prisa , sirve y tómalo frío o caliént el o en fec has festivas. Calling all spanish speakers! How do you say "i hope you. · espero que haya disfrutado de sus vacaciones (formal) / i hope you enjoyed your holiday. If you want to say it to someone that is going on holidays "i hope you have a nice holiday" then the translation will be the one you wrote "espero que tenga unas buenas vacaciones". I hope you had a nice holiday spanish translation linguee. Many translated example sentences containing "i hope you had a nice holiday" spanishenglish dictionary and search engine for spanish translations.

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I hope you had a nice holiday spanish translation linguee. We hope to see you soon and we already like to wish you a nice holiday on mallorca. Sesoliveres.Eu esperamos q ue vay amos a vernos y ya ahora d eseam os.

"have a nice holiday!" Spanishdict answers. Qué tenga un buen fin de semana. = Have a nice weekend. The informal, familiar (with friends, etc.) Is. Qué tengas unas buenas vacaciones = have a good vacation. If you were wondering how to say a word or a phrase in spanish, french, german, italian, chinese, japanese or russian, this site will help you to get the answer. Howdoyousay provides translations, pronunciation and other vocabulary help for words and phrases in some of the most popular languages of the world. I hope you had a great holiday spanish translation linguee. Many translated example sentences containing "i hope you had a great holiday" spanishenglish dictionary and search engine for spanish translations. How to say "have a nice vacation" in french? Englishfrench. If you were wondering how to say a word or a phrase in spanish, french, german, italian, chinese, japanese or russian, this site will help you to get the answer. Howdoyousay provides translations, pronunciation and other vocabulary help for words and phrases in some of the most popular languages of the world. Word in context how to reply to "i hope you have enjoyed. If instead the statement is about a holiday you will have in the future, then "thanks for the kind words" would be acceptable, though a little bit formal. Alternatively, "thank you, i hope so too" could be a response, though mostly people just respond with a simple "thank you", which is a full sentence.

How to say "have a nice vacation" in french? English. If you were wondering how to say a word or a phrase in spanish, french, german, italian, chinese, japanese or russian, this site will help you to get the answer. Howdoyousay provides translations, pronunciation and other vocabulary help for words and phrases. How to say have a great time in french wordhippo. How to say have a great time in french. French translation. Amusetoi bien. More french words for have a great time. Avoir un grand temps have a good vacation. Have a good trip. Have a great weekend. Have a green thumb. Have a guilty conscience. Have a haircut. Have a happy day. Have. Say have a great vacation in spanish answers. In spanish the best way to convey this sentiment is with the statement "that you have some good vacations" que tenga [tengas][tengan] buenas vacasiones. "have a nice holiday!" Spanishdict answers. I hope you have had a good holiday/summer. I hope you have a great vacation wordreference forums. · i hope you have a great vacation. Discussion in 'română (romanian)' started by andyyyhighlander, aug 12, 2008. I hope you have a good vacation! In spanish english to. I hope you have a good vacation, mr. Cassidy. Have fun in jamaica. Espero que pase buenas vacaciones, sr. Cassidy. Diviértase en jamaica. How do you say " have a good vacation!" In spanish. · you can only upload files of type png, jpg, or jpeg. You can only upload files of type 3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, or rm. You can only upload photos smaller than 5 mb.

I hope you had a great holiday spanish translation linguee. Hope you had a good vacation/holiday. Calling all spanish speakers! How do you say "i hope you had. The formal, polite way (with your boss, etc.) Is. Qué tenga unas buenas vacaciones = have a good vacation. Qué tenga un buen fin de semana. = Have a nice weekend. Vacation spanish search & social results zenya. I hope that you have all had an excellent holiday and that you are ready to start work on this session. I hope you have a great vacation wordreference forums. Hi there , can someone please translate this into romanian as i want to send a text to a girl. I hope you have a great vacation and i will miss you while you are gone. Best vacation package deals kayak® vacation deals kayak. You can only upload files of type png, jpg, or jpeg. You can only upload files of type 3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, or rm. You can only upload photos smaller than 5 mb.

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Have a good time englishspanish dictionary. Have a good time! Have a good/great time! Have a nice/good time have fun or have a good time! Have myself a good time have/had a good time. Grammar i don't care if it's raining i am still going to have a good time. I have been having a good time i hope you will have a good time i know you'll have a good time. I would love to make new friends. Is it correct to say "i hope you have a good day"? Is. Of course ,there is a better way to write the sentence. While you are holding a dialogue or a conversation you better say have a good day / nice day. But when you are writing to someone you better write hope you have a good day. Or, hope you will have a good day. Or, hope that you have a good day. Or, hoping that you have a good day. Best vacation phrases for for friends friendship quotes. “It is good you can finally go on vacation, you’ve worked hard all the time, so you deserve to have a fun time. Enjoy your vacations! “ Category vacation phrases “the holidays are a time to rest and relax for all the effort you put every day in your work. I hope you have a good vacation! In spanish english to. I hope you have a good vacation. You deserve a week of relaxation.Espero que pases buenas vacaciones. Mereces una semana de ociosidad. I hope you have a good vacation, mr. Cassidy. Have fun in jamaica.Espero que pase buenas vacaciones, sr. Cassidy. Diviértase en jamaica. 2. (Used to address. Say have a great vacation in spanish answers. I hope you enjoyed your summer vacation.
